台塑公司企業社會責任-幸福人才 | 郵局ATM在哪裡?
台塑公司相同職位/職等之女男員工薪酬比例...(E)提供企業特約商店優惠。(F)員工本人或親屬...(C)補助員工及眷屬至長庚醫院就醫、健康檢查費用。(D)大型 ...
(A)Routine checkups for employees with more favorable item requirements than that of relevant laws (e.g., oral cancer and carcinoembryonic antigen) are provided. Besides, specialized health checkups are arranged and health management programs are implemented on employees exposed to noise hazards and chemical substances, while also tracking these results according to the law.
(B)Subsidies are provided for employees and their immediate families receiving medical services and health checkups at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital.
(C)Fitness and entertainment facilities have been set up at large complexes, such as basketball, volleyball, and table tennis courts, as well as gymnasiums. Various competitions are held regularly and bonuses are regularly paid out.
(D) ...優待從業人員暨眷屬就醫辦法 | 郵局ATM在哪裡?
就醫長庚醫院優待辦法 | 郵局ATM在哪裡?
我們的員工 | 郵局ATM在哪裡?
同仁薪酬與福利 | 郵局ATM在哪裡?
台塑公司企業社會責任-幸福人才 | 郵局ATM在哪裡?
[問題]長庚醫院收費問題(台塑員工) | 郵局ATM在哪裡?
「台塑員工家屬就醫優惠」+ | 郵局ATM在哪裡?
[問題]長庚醫院收費問題(台塑員工) | 郵局ATM在哪裡?
台塑及長庚, 企業優惠方案, 線上優惠 | 郵局ATM在哪裡?
幸福企業/台塑員工好幸福5.83個月本薪年終+1.5萬元大紅包 ... | 郵局ATM在哪裡?
鳥松長庚醫院郵局 高雄市鳥松區ATM
南亞公司工三廠--員工餐廳內 桃園市龜山區ATM