高雄市路竹區工作職缺工作機會-找工作就上1111人力銀行 | 郵局ATM在哪裡?
幸福企業徵人【高雄市路竹區工作】約801筆-生管人員、西工技術員、品保分析副工程師、稽核專員、品保分析工程師、居家服務員、電機維修工程師等熱門工作 ...
【About the company】 Mitsui ICT Funcational Sheet, Inc. (abbrev. MIFS) is Mitsui Chemicals Group‘s first production base in Taiwan and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mitsui ICT Materia, Inc. We manufactures and sell the world‘s top protective tape (ICROS Tape) used in semiconductor wafer backgrinding. We are expecting our sales to increase with the growth of global semiconductor market size. We will continue contribute to society by developing technologies from a global perspective and providing products that meet the needs of our customers. 【About the job】 In this role, at the beginning you will assist with handling incoming orders and arranging deliveries. You will work closely with Japan headquareter and sales companies to achieve sales target. You will also work closely with other teams in the company to ensure maximum customer satisfication. Necessary job training will be provided after entering MIFS. We are looking for someone who is team player with good ...
高雄市路竹區公所 | 郵局ATM在哪裡?
高雄市路竹區公所 | 郵局ATM在哪裡?
高雄市路竹區公所 | 郵局ATM在哪裡?
高雄市路竹區公所 | 郵局ATM在哪裡?
高雄市路竹區 文書處理人員職缺,徵才2021年7月 | 郵局ATM在哪裡?
高雄市路竹區 職缺,徵才2021年7月 | 郵局ATM在哪裡?
高雄市路竹區公所 | 郵局ATM在哪裡?
高雄市路竹區工作職缺工作機會-找工作就上1111人力銀行 | 郵局ATM在哪裡?
「高雄市路竹區」找工作職缺-2021年7月 | 郵局ATM在哪裡?
找工作- | 郵局ATM在哪裡?
田寮郵局 高雄市田寮區ATM
路竹區公所--大門左側 高雄市路竹區ATM