「美國學校」找工作職缺-2021年7月 | 郵局ATM在哪裡?
台北市士林區 經歷不拘 專科Job Summary: Manage, oversee and set up equipment and facility to make sure all events and parent’s bookings can start on time and run smoothly. Key Responsibilities: 1. Check facilities (including but not limited to gyms, fields and tennis courts before the PE classes start, make marking lines on turf and upper field, inventory check, etc) to ensure the facility is set up and restored according to instructional and extra-curricular needs. 2. Manage, oversee, set up equipment and facilities, and stand by during the event to ensure facility and equipment needs are met. 3. Check for need for maintenance to ensure the equipment and facility are in good condition. 4. Follow the parent and faculty rental management requirement, perform each task as stated in the facilities department SOPs and ensure issues and problems are addressed ...
桃園美國學校【徵才職缺簡介】104人力銀行 | 郵局ATM在哪裡?
「美國學校」找工作職缺-2021年7月 | 郵局ATM在哪裡?
【美國學校】熱門徵才公司 | 郵局ATM在哪裡?
「桃園美國學校籌備處」找工作職缺-2021年3月 | 郵局ATM在哪裡?
桃園美國學校 | 郵局ATM在哪裡?
桃園美國學校工作職缺工作機會-找工作就上1111人力銀行 | 郵局ATM在哪裡?
亞太美國學校 | 郵局ATM在哪裡?
桃園美國學校最新工作職缺2 筆 | 郵局ATM在哪裡?
Welcome to 桃園美國學校 | 郵局ATM在哪裡?
馬禮遜美國學校--大門口右側 臺中市北屯區ATM