東北角海岸The Northeast Coast用英文逰台灣 | 郵局ATM在哪裡?
2007年7月26日—凡:Wow!Thebeach,themusic,thefireworks〈煙火〉,thestarrysky〈星空〉,thebeautifulwoman,thebeer...the〝Ho─Hai─YanGungliau ...
凡:Wow !The beach,the music,the fireworks〈煙火〉,the starry sky〈星空〉, the beautiful woman ,the beer...the 〝Ho─H ai─Yan Gungliau rock Festival〞〈貢寮國際海洋音樂季〉definitely lives up to its reputation〈果真名不虛傳〉!
仙:It sure does. This annual 〈每年的〉summer music festival is held to encourage〈鼓勵〉Taiwan’s local creative bands ,to propagate〈散佈〉 the concept 〝Music Knows No Bounds〈音樂無國界〉
凡:That’s right! Truth be told, the charm of Taiwan’s Northeast Coast does not end with its gorgeous〈宜人的〉beaches. There are also several enchanting 〈迷人的〉hiking trails〈小徑〉, including the 〝Caoling Historic Trail〞〈草嶺古道〉which is one of the most famous trails in northern Taiwan.
仙:Yeah, I’ve hiked that trail before. It extends about ten kilometers〈公里〉, form Taipei County’s Gungliau township〈貢寮鄉〉...
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東北角海岸The Northeast Coast用英文逰台灣 | 郵局ATM在哪裡?
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